Félagið heitir ICF Iceland.
2. gr.
Heimili félagsins og varnarþing er í Reykjavík.
3. gr.
Tilgangur ICF Iceland er að efla markþjálfun sem faggrein á Íslandi og stuðla að metnaði og fagmennsku innan greinarinnar. Auk þess að efla samstarf og tengsl markþjálfa bæði innanlands og erlendis.
4. gr.
Tilgangi sínum hyggst félagið ná með því að fræða, miðla og tengja:
Fræða: Standa fyrir reglulegri fræðslu og menntun á fagsviði markþjálfunar ásamt því að vera með kynningar á námsmöguleikum, vottunum, og siðareglum markþjálfa.
Miðla: Vera talsmenn faglegrar markþjálfunar innan félagsins og á opinberum vettvangi. Standa fyrir opinberum atburðum sem kynna gagnsemi markþjálfunar bæði í atvinnulífi og menntasamfélaginu. Vera sýnileg á samfélagsmiðlum og í fjölmiðlum.
Tengja: Að vera tengiliður markþjálfa við ICF Global ásamt því að stuðla að öflugri tengingu markþjálfa innan fagsins og við aðrar atvinnugreinar, hvort heldur er innanlands eða erlendis.
5. gr.
Félagsaðild er tvenns konar: A og B (alþjóðleg og innlend).
A-aðild (alþjóðlega aðild) hafa þeir félagsmenn sem greiða félagsgjöld í bæði ICF Global og ICF Iceland og hafa þar með aðgang að starfsemi beggja félaga.
B-aðild (innlenda aðild - FMÍ) hafa þeir félagsmenn sem greiða félgasgjöld í ICF Iceland en ekki í ICF Global. Þeir hafa aðgang að starfsemi ICF Iceland.
Félagsaðild hafa þeir félagar sem hafa greitt félagsgjald og eru skuldlausir við félagið.
6. gr.
Starfstímabil félagsins er frá 1. apríl – 31. mars. Á aðalfundi skal stjórn gera upp árangur liðins árs. Aðeins félagsmenn í ICF Iceland eru gjaldgengir sem þátttakendur á aðalfundi.
7. gr.
Aðalfund skal halda eigi síðar en í maí mánuði ár hvert og skal boða til hans með að minnst tveggja vikna fyrirvara með sannanlegum hætti. Erindi og lagabreytingar skulu berast stjórn með að minnsta kosti þriggja vikna fyrirvara. Aðalfundur telst löglegur, sé rétt til hans boðað. Einfaldur meirihluti mættra félagsmanna sem uppfylla skilyrði 6. gr ræður úrslitum mála.
Með aðalfundarboði skulu fylgja fyrirhugaðar lagabreytingar, ef einhverjar eru.
Dagskrá aðalfundar skal vera sem hér segir:
Kosning fundarstjóra og fundarritara
Skýrsla stjórnar lögð fram
Reikningar lagðir fram til samþykktar
Ákvörðun félagsgjalds
Kosning stjórnar
Kosning endurskoðanda
Önnur mál
Stjórn félagsins skal skipuð þremur til sjö (3-7) félagsmönnum; formanni, varaformanni og einum til fimm (1-5) meðstjórnendum sem kjörnir eru á aðalfundi til tveggja ára.
Varastjórn skal skipuð einum til þremur (1-3) félagsmönnum sem kjörnir eru á aðalfundi til eins árs.
Meginreglan skal vera sú að á hverju ári láti þrír stjórnarmenn af störfum. Ef atkvæði eru jöfn skal hlutkesti ráða úrslitum. Leitast skal við að halda kynjahlutfalli sem jöfnustu innan stjórnar.
Stjórnin skiptir með sér verkum.
Á fyrsta stjórnarfundi skiptir stjórnin með sér verkum og kýs sér gjaldkera og ritara til eins árs í senn.
Stjórn félagsins fer með málefni félagsins milli aðalfunda. Formaður boðar til funda.
Firmaritun er í höndum meirihluta stjórnar.
Ákvörðun um félagsgjald skal tekin á aðalfundi. Félagsgjöld skulu innheimt árlega.
10. gr.
Rekstrarafgangi/hagnaði af starfsemi félagsins skal varið til starfsemi sem stuðlar að því að ná tilgangi félagsins skv. 3. gr. Félagið skal vera óháð félagasamtök.
11. gr.
Ákvörðun um slit félagsins skal taka á aðalfundi með einföldum meirihluta atkvæða og renna eignir þess í tvo jafna hluta. Annar hlutinn rennur til ICF Global og hinn hlutinn til sambærilegs félags skv. ákvörðun aðalfundar.
Ákvörðun um slit félagsins skal taka á aðalfundi með einföldum meirihluta atkvæða. Ákvörðun skal staðfesta á næsta löglega boðaða aðalfundi. Síðari aðalfundur tekur ákvörðun um skiptingu eigna félagsins sem annarsvegar skulu renna til ICF Global og hins vegar til annars sambærilegs fagfélags markþjálfa.
12. gr.
Þar sem ICF Iceland er undirfélag ICF Global fylgir félagið þeim reglum sem ICF Global hefur sett. Með samþykktum þessum fylgir „Articles of association“ sem uppfyllir hinar alþjóðlegu kröfur ICF Global um lög undirfélaga.
Samþykktir samþykktar á aðalfundi 8.febrúar 2017.
Samþykktum breytt á aðalfundi 28. febrúar 2018.
Samþykktum breytt á aukaaðalfundi 9. maí 2018.
Samþykktir samþykktar á aðalfundi 29. apríl 2019
ICF Iceland
© ICF Iceland
Based on the standard articles of association for national chapters
Version 1.2
1.1 The name of the association is ICF Iceland (hereinafter named “ICF Iceland”).
1.2 The registered office of the association is the municipality of Reykjavík.
2.1 ICF Iceland is the Icelandic head office (a so-called “ chapter”) of International Coach Federation (ICF) (hereinafter named “ICF Global”).3
2.2 The purpose of ICF Iceland is to maintain and develop coaching as an independent profession in Iceland .
2.3 It is ICF Iceland ’s mission together with ICF Global to function as a national forum for research and development within the coaching industry, to inspire change through dialogue, to support professional development at a high level, and to increase attention and understanding of the contribution that coaching offers the development and future of humanity.
2.4 ICF Iceland can cooperate with other organizations in accordance with the guidelines that have been determined by ICF Global.
2.5 ICF Iceland may not assume any political or religious viewpoints.
2.6 The work methods employed by ICF Iceland , its members and groups must comply with the values of ICF Global and should at all times be in accordance with the guidelines and provisions in force as determined by ICF Global.
2.7 ICF Iceland is a non-profit organisation. ICF Iceland is to be registered in the register of associations at the Icelandic Commerce and Companies Agency in Reykjavík.
3.1 Any person (a) who is a member of ICF Global and (b) has accepted the membership of ICF Iceland can be admitted as a member.
3.2. Any person who wish to become a member of FMÍ (FMÍ is a subchaper of ICF Iceland) has finished at least 60 hours of coaching education prior to submitting a request to become member. Member of FMÍ pays membership fee and by doing so agrees to follow the ethical guidelines of ICF. Membership benefits is decided by the board but has to be in accordance with ICF rules for membership at all times.
3.3 A member may be excluded by ICF Iceland if the person in question acts against the purpose, guidelines and rules of the organization in a way that may harm the credit of ICF Iceland . The decision to exclude a person is made by the board and the member in question is notified in writing. An excluded member may within a month of receipt of the written notification of exclusion demand that the decision of exclusion is presented to members at the next meeting of members where the final decision will then be made. The bringing of the board’s decision to exclude a member to the meeting of members does not have a delaying effect.
4.1 The meeting of members is the supreme authority of ICF Iceland. The annual meetings of members should be held in Reykjavík.
4.2 The board decides the format for meeting of members. The board may decide to use any format that the board deems satisfactory for the purpose including Internet formats in combination with advanced telecommunication; however, always provided that the format is safe to use, allows members to communicate, and is developed to handle voting procedures.
A. The annual meeting of members
4.3 The annual meeting of members shall be held in May the latest on the date the board has specifically decided.
4.4 The board should summon the annual meeting of members by means of a least two (2) weeks notice.
4.5 The agenda for the annual meeting of members should as a minimum contain the following items:
Election of chairman of the meeting
Election of notetaker
Report of the board of directors
Annual report of the previous fiscal year
Statement of the board’s budget for the present year in addition to the amount of the annual subscription
Budget for upcoming year presented
Discussion of received proposals and voting
Election of members of the board including election of the President and future president (President Elect)
Election of auditor
Determining the membership fee
Any other business
4.6 Proposals and topics for the annual meeting of members should be submitted to and received by the board, at least three (3) weeks prior to the meeting of members.
B. Extraordinary meeting of members
4.12 The board should summon an extraordinary meeting of members in the event a request hereof is put forward by at least four (4) members of the board, or at least thirty (30) percent of the members of ICF Iceland . The summoning of the meeting of members should take place by means of at least two (2) weeks notice and no more than eight (8) weeks notice.
4.13 Article 4.1 to 4.2 will also be applied at extraordinary meeting of members.
4.14 The request should be addressed to the board, and should be in writing and motivated by specification of agenda.
C. Right to attend, speech and vote
4.15 All members have the right to attend and speak at the meeting of members. Members only have a right to vote at a member meeting if they have been members for at least two (2) weeks immediately prior to the meeting in question.
5.1 Constitution
5.1.1 The board consists of the President, the future president (President Elect) and addition to another five (5) members. The board decides other positions among the common members of the board. 5.1.2 The board consists of both genders, preferably when possible equal members of each gender.
5.2 Responsibility and tasks
5.2.1 The board should ensure that ICF Iceland is managed and always run in accordance with the statutory purposes and regulations of ICF Iceland and the decisions made at a meeting of members.
5.3 Board meetings
5.3.1 Board meetings are held following the board’s further decision. The President, President Elect or three (3) joint board members may, however, summon a board meeting by a least ten (10) days notice. Board meetings may be held by means of personal attendance as well as telephone conference following the decision of the person summoning the meeting.
5.3.2 The board is equally competent to transact business in every respect when a majority of board members participate in the board meeting. In the event the board meets without being legally competent to transact business, the board meeting should be terminated, called again and resumed in accordance with article 5.3.1.
5.3.4 The board decides by means of simple voting majority. In the event of equality of votes, the President has the decisive vote. Board decisions can be made by means of circulation of proposed motions for approval and signing of board members.
6.1.6 All candidates (nominees as well as challengers) (a) are of full legal capacity and (b) at the election day are members of ICF Iceland and (c) comply with the additional demands for personal and professional qualifications that ICF Global at any given time have set out for board members.
6.2 Election of board members
6.2.1 The President can only be voted to be President after being member of the board for minimum (1) one year. The President resigns after max two (2) years as President and is followed by the President Elect. The President Elect is elected among candidates each year by members at the annual meeting. The President Elect can be re-elected as President Elect, twice (2). After being a President Elect, the President Elect automatically joins and takes over the position as President.
6.2.2 The ordinary board members are elected for two (2) years at a time at the annual meeting among the running candidates, however, in this way that half of the board members are on election each year.
6.2.3 A board member, President and President Elect may be re-elected and reappointed, but can, however, only be a member of the board for a consecutive period of up to six (6) years. A member may be elected and appointed for the board again having been out of the board for two (2) consecutive years.
6.2.4 An immediate past president is advisor for the board as a wise owl. Has no voting right but can attend board meeting if summoned to a board meeting.
6.2.5. The President and the President elect should hold a valid ICF certification during all years in office.
6.2.6 A board member, including the President Elect and the President, may be removed from the board at a meeting of members if a majority of present members entitled to vote, vote for this proposal. If the President is removed or resigns early the President Elect assumes the functions and areas of responsibility of the President as “acting president” until the end of the election period. If the President Elect is removed or resigns early, the members at a meeting of members shall elect a new President Elect and the new President Elect will then function during the rest of the election period. If an ordinary board member is removed or resigns early an alternating member takes over the vacant position until the end of the election period. A board member who is at risk of being removed shall have the possibility to be heard at the meeting of members before the voting takes place.
7.1 Committees and work groups
7.1.1 The board may establish permanent or temporary committees or work groups. Such committees may include members outside the circle of the board. Committees and work groups should work in accordance with clear mandates; they should be supervised by the board and should function in compliance with the directions of the board.
8.1 The fiscal year is from 1st of April to 30th March
8.2 Members should at the meeting of members select one or several auditors or state-authorized accountant(s).
8.3 The accountant(s) should revise the annual report in accordance with best auditing practices.
8.4 The board shall grant the accountant access to perform such reviews that the accountant finds necessary and shall provide the accountant with the information and assistance that is necessary for him or her to carry out the job.
8.5 The accountant should endorse the annual report with review information. The endorsement shall contain information of the revision that has taken place including any remarks that the revision has given rise to.
8.6 ICF Iceland ’s protocols and accounts should be kept in accordance with the regulations and rules for non-profit organisations in Iceland and in accordance with common accepted accounting conventions.
9.1 Members pay a subscription to ICF Iceland the size of which is fixed by members at the annual member meeting, cf. 4.6f).
9.2 ICF Iceland is entitled to collect payment for participation in activities, etc., that ICF Iceland offers to members and others.
10.1 In matters concerning the running of ICF Iceland is bound by signature of the President and one (1) of the board member.
11.1 Unless otherwise stated by legislation these articles of association may be amended at any annual member meeting or at any extraordinary meeting of members that have been summoned for this particular purpose. For the resolution of proposals to amend the articles of association at least two thirds (2/3) of the members present must vote in favour and have the power to vote.
11.2 A decision to dissolve ICF Iceland is only valid if the decision has been made at an annual meeting of members and has been confirmed at the next meeting of members. In both cases with a majority of two thirds (2/3) of the members present and entitled to vote at the meeting of members.
11.3 In the event of dissolution, any assets of ICF Iceland shall go to ICF Global. If ICF Global does not exist at this time, assets shall go to a similar organisation following the decision of members.
12.1 These articles of association come into force when the board on behalf of ICF Iceland has entered into a binding agreement with ICF Global whereby ICF Global appoints ICF Iceland a ICF Chapter in Iceland.
In this way passed at the meeting of members on 09.05.2018.