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þri., 28. nóv.


Event on ZOOM

Turn Your Coaching Skills into Coaching Revenue (English speaking)

Zoom webinar with Karen A Capello MCC coach: So many coaches have challenges on the business development side of coaching, and this presentation shows a leveraged way to get their message out and get clients into coaching.

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Turn Your Coaching Skills into Coaching Revenue (English speaking)
Turn Your Coaching Skills into Coaching Revenue (English speaking)


28. nóv. 2023, 17:00 – 18:00

Event on ZOOM

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Here's the zoom link:

Zoom webinar that has been well-received by groups of coaches from London, England to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1 Rd credential available for coaches.

Here’s what one of the coaches said:

“I just wanted to give you feedback and say that last night's workshop was incredible! Thank you for adding so much value to us coaches! Normally, I find these workshops so fluffy and not very progressive but you packaged and delivered your message so coherently and also provided me with more confidence to move forward.”

Karen A Capello, BCC, MCC coach is a master certified coach who works with coaches transitioning from the corporate world to coaching to grow their businesses and create the lives they have dreamed of.

During Karen´s 30+ years in business; her experiences as a university administrator, president of semiconductor manufacturing company and estate planner utilized her natural coaching abilities.


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